Thursday, February 7, 2013

Christine Gadonas, College of Nursing
Yes, the workshop was exactly what I was hoping for. It was an introduction to something that I am interested in. For me, it whetted my appetite. I bought the JOT book yesterday and began my practice. Thanks for setting up the workshop.
Cayce Lista, Honors Program
This workshop was fantastic! A great introduction to the philosophy behind mindfulness, and more importantly, the practice of it. The exercises were the best part, as was Annette’s presence and guidance.
Taylor Rose, Senior (student)
I got even more out of the workshop then I had anticipated. I really liked how Annette described mindfulness and the analogies she used were really helpful for me. I think I have a better understanding of the goal of mindfulness and even of centering prayer, which had been hard for me to understand before. I wasn't expecting both lecture and hands-on practice but I really enjoyed the different aspects of her presentation.
John Immerwahr, Dept. of Philosophy
I got a lot out of it. I know there is always a tension between whether one should talk or do some exercises, but I found the talk very helpful.